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Python is used in areas ranging from web development to artificial intelligence.

Web Development
In web development, python is used to handle the server side of web applications. There are several well-known frameworks for this purpose: Flask, Pyramid and Django. A framework is a framework for application development that provides the necessary tools for the programmer to work with.

Data Analysis
Python is the most efficient language for dealing with big data. There are several popular and productive libraries for analysis, visualization and prediction. For example, Pandas is the fundamental Python library that is used for data analysis. NumPy, SciPy, Seaborn, and Matplotlib are also suitable for this purpose.

Machine Learning and AI
Machine learning and artificial intelligence are often programmed in Python. This is conveniently done in a simple language with efficient performance when processing data. Python uses two popular libraries for machine learning: Scikit-learn and TensorFlow. The former is more popular with beginners because it is built into many popular machine learning algorithms.

Parsing, scraping, and crawling sites
Python allows you to efficiently extract relevant information from websites for subsequent analysis. Any web page can be examined for information, and anything on it can be extracted by parsers. One popular framework for data extraction is Scrapy. It is based on autonomous scanners with a set of instructions.

Scripting is mostly used for writing simple programs and automating simple tasks. It allows to delegate routine manual work to a machine. One only needs to write a couple dozen or a hundred lines of code and then forget about it. The script will take care of the rest of the task.

Why is it relevant today?
The language is now at the peak of its popularity, and will be at it for at least another five to ten years. Here are five reasons why python is still relevant.

  • Python puts an end to the myth of development complexity. The language has a clear syntax that is based on the English language. Python is easy to write and easy to read.
  • There is a large amount of reference literature. You will not experience a lack of relevant information, because there is a lot of it in the public domain – books, websites, forums, videos, paid and free courses.
  • Lots of tools. For python created many tools, frameworks and development environments that can simplify many tasks. You can use a ready-made solution and not waste your time.
  • Minimalism. You don’t need to write canvases of unnecessary when. Dynamic typing and other functions of the language allow you to care less about code templates and simplify them.
  • Specialist demand. If you start learning python now, you won’t have a problem that you will be out of work in five years. And becoming a python developer makes it easy to learn any other language.