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Java is a universal language and has found application in almost every field of economy and IT specialization. It is used to create desktop and mobile applications, software for smart devices, software and games. Java is used by banks, trade and construction firms, educational organizations, government agencies and IT-corporations. In this article we’ll find out if Java is worth learning for a newcomer, how long it takes to master this language and where you can work afterwards.

Features of Java
Java is an object-oriented language used to write server software, programs and mobile applications. It is one of the main languages for Android development.

Popularity. About 7 billion devices around the world use applications created in Java. Millions of programmers know the programming language java, and the demand for such specialists remains high.

Versatility and flexibility. Java is used in scientific development, mobile applications, game design, desktop software, websites, and embedded software. Java is used for programs of any complexity: banking applications, online-stores, software for smart appliances and smart homes.

Community. Because of the large number of programmers and implemented solutions, as well as libraries and add-ons, almost any problem can be solved by asking for help from colleagues on forums.

Cross-platform. There is a special virtual machine JVM that executes code for java. It has two functions – to run java applications on any OS and devices, and manage application memory. Once written, the code will work with any operating system and on any platform.

Reliability. Java is a strictly typed language. This means that every variable or expression has a certain type, and the compiler checks the code and prevents the developer from making mistakes.

Ease of learning. Understanding java requires basic knowledge. You need to understand the specifics of object-oriented programming, understand the computer “iron”, learn a fairly complex syntax and learn to work with additional software tools.

Where Java is used
Java is one of the most commonly used programming languages. It is used to create microcontrollers, websites and mobile applications, games for PCs, smartphones and consoles, software for manufacturing and services.

Google Docs, Minecraft, the server side of most Netflix applications, social networking and linkedin, Uber cab service, and Amazon web services are all written in java. And they also design virtual and augmented reality systems, software development tools, file systems and controllers for unmanned cars in java.