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The IT sphere, which is constantly changing and developing. New professions and directions regularly appear here, and therefore the need for experienced specialists is very high. Development is one of the most popular areas in IT, knowledge and experience in this area will always be in demand and well paid. And therefore you have made the right step if you are interested in it and decided to find a new profession.

Web Development
This is one of the most diverse and broad directions in programming. Professionals here work with a variety of languages, including JavaScript, Python, PHP, Java, Ruby. Today in this area there are many newcomers. This is due to the fact that there is a lot of content on the web to help you learn the basics and already start earning on simple orders.

Mobile development
Today, mobile development is considered one of the most promising areas. After all, almost everyone has phones and other gadgets, and their capabilities are only growing every day. In mobile development the main focus is the creation of applications for phones on Android and iOS, as well as other devices that run on these systems.

The main programming languages used to create mobile applications today are considered to be several: Java and Kotlin for Android, Swift for “apple” gadgets, as well as Python, JavaScript, C#.

Game Developer
Not so long ago, the profession of “game developer” was in the top of the list when answering the question of which areas of programming are the most promising and profitable.

Game development is not just profitable, but also interesting. Usually in this area come people who live their product, interested in game topics, and casual people just do not stay and look for other specialties. In this programming sphere there are high salaries, but you should enter it with a certain knowledge and experience and also with readiness to work long and productively.

Internet of Things (IoT)
Among the huge number of areas of programming today at the peak of popularity one more – the Internet of things. And the number of requests for specialists in this profile is constantly growing.

The Internet of Things is a field of programming aimed at creating special smart devices, as well as the connection to the network of a smart house or a smart city. This is the work with automated and robotic systems that make people’s lives easier, more comfortable and safer.

Programming of embedded systems
There is one more area of programming, which is in the top of the demanded and profitable today. This is work not with web and mobile applications, but with industrial equipment, CNC, microcontrollers and other types of equipment. Usually C and C++ programming languages are used here, but other languages specially designed for certain devices and microcontrollers can also be used.