Java development Archives - CL-TryJ Programming Blog Mon, 16 Jan 2023 09:29:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Java development Archives - CL-TryJ 32 32 Java and JavaScript: the difference between languages and which one is better to learn Fri, 21 Jan 2022 09:26:00 +0000 Java. The history of Java begins in 1995. It took five years to create it. Back then, it was still called Oak and Green, and was a follower of C and C++.

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How the languages Java and JavaScript appeared
Java. The history of Java begins in 1995. It took five years to create it. Back then, it was still called Oak and Green, and was a follower of C and C++. But Java was notable for its simple and secure programming.

The American company Sun Microsystems, under the direction of James Gosling, created the Java language to simplify the work of programmers. The language allowed you to write code once, and use it wherever you could. There is no need to compile files for different platforms, just create a jar file – an archive that contains part of the program. Java is supported by the system – the program works. This universality of the language is the reason for its popularity.

JavaScript. In the same year, Netscape Communications created the JavaScript language. At that time, they began to create a more dynamic and functional language for browsers – HTML had many limitations. It took only ten days to create JavaScript, and it was based on the Java syntax. That was the end of all the similarities between Java and JavaScript.

Features of Java
Java is an object-oriented language whose code can be used everywhere. There is an opinion that the language is obsolete, but useful and functional updates are still coming out for it.

Here are its main characteristics:

Object-oriented language. The process is built by objects, which combine the data and the actions performed by the object. Such languages are easier to write code in by eliminating superfluous elements – you won’t be doing extra work.
Compiled and interpreted code. The language is designed with conditions to translate the source code into byte code that can be used in any machine. Then, through an interpreter, the code is executed by the JVM virtual machine.
Security. The language prevents the threat of virus infection and resource misuse, and automatically collects garbage.
Independent, portable platform. It’s easy to port from one device to another.
It is based on C syntax, which means that it can support functions written in C and C++.
It has a built-in multithreading mechanism. It allows a program to execute two or more threads of actions simultaneously. This speeds up the application, because one part of it performs one task, and the other part performs the second task.
Dynamism. The language is developing, it’s easy to improve it and add new functions to it.
A large set of ready-made APIs. It’s possible to use ready-made classes, functions and procedures.
What can be done in Java

Features of JavaScript
JavaScript is first and foremost about simplicity. Whereas in Java code is compiled and interpreted, in JavaScript it is only interpreted. All work is done without the help of a virtual machine – the browser receives the code written in JavaScript and immediately executes it. Where other languages are powerless, it can be used without restriction.

Here are the main differences between Java and Javascript:

Easy to learn and implement. Syntax and logic are easy to get used to and action mapping adds motivation to the work.
Full integration with HTML and CSS. Supported by all popular browsers by default.
Client-side scripting language. Use the browser to execute code, no need to interact with the server.
Large ecosystem. There are many off-the-shelf solutions in the public domain.
Works on events. When assigned events occur, the established code is run.

Mobile, desktop and web applications are written in JavaScript. Some frameworks allow to write mobile applications without any additional languages, with just Javascript

Let’s compare Java and JavaScript
To determine between these languages the most usable, let’s compare both according to the three most important parameters for programming languages: popularity, ease of learning and abstraction. Without all of these criteria, neither language can survive long enough.

Popularity for programming languages is an important aspect, because the more supporters, the more the language develops. A lot of information appears on the Internet, universal solutions are created and regular updates are developed.

By ease of learning and use
First of all, a programming language should be easy to use. But very often beginners pay attention to the simplicity of studying, because they need something to start with.

By abstraction capabilities
Abstraction is a powerful tool of object-oriented languages. It has allowed people to build large systems, without which we wouldn’t be where we are today with the Internet. Abstraction allows us to separate data that is important for solving a problem from data that is currently irrelevant. That is, this property allows us to ignore less important details when programming.

What language to choose for learning
We have understood the features and differences between languages. It remains to decide – what language to learn. The entire choice comes down to several factors: performance requirements, speed of execution and scope.

When to learn Java
If you want to develop complex software for business or research, server systems or an application for Android – choose Java.

When to learn JavaScript
The JavaScript language is suitable for everyday tasks like validating data or processing forms. It’s convenient and quick to create a web application.

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Java vs Kotlin: which to choose Tue, 17 Aug 2021 09:15:00 +0000 When it comes to Android app development, the first thing most programmers think of is the Kotlin language. Since 2019, Google calls it the main android development language.

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When it comes to Android app development, the first thing most programmers think of is the Kotlin language. Since 2019, Google calls it the main android development language. Everything would be fine, but no one has abandoned the Java language, and this has created confusion among programmers. As much as Google executives idealize young Kotlin, 2018 Stack Overflow surveys show that nearly half of respondents favor the old and tried-and-true Java. Kotlin is prioritized by only 5% of developers.

Why Kotlin and Java are popular
Java is the third most popular programming language. It is second only to Python and C. In the same ranking, Kotlin is only 37th place. This suggests that most developers are in no hurry to switch from familiar Java to the new Kotlin.

Reasons for the popularity of Java. The Java language was created at Sun Microsystems in the early 1990s. This language appeared in response to the need for platform independence. Java became a general-purpose language that could be used to write programs for any device: PCs, appliances and mobile devices. This feature of the language, along with simplicity of syntax and strong typing, almost immediately won the hearts of many programmers. Today the majority of corporate projects and web-sites are written with help from Java, and the audience of the language counts more than 10 million programmers.

Kotlin Perspectives. Kotlin is still a very young language, born at JetBrains in 2011. Like Java, C++ and C, Kotlin is a statically typed language. This allows it to check data types in the program at compile time and detect errors in time. That is, if the compiler notices a violation of the language rules, the program is simply not executed. But the main feature of Kotlin is that the language is fully compatible with Java, which allows you not to rewrite existing applications. This is exactly what won over programmers at Google.

Google developers have watched the language grow over the past few years and find it more concise. In their opinion, it opens more opportunities than Java and the program code in it is 40% shorter than in other languages.

Java was created to replace C++, but soon developers found it rather strict and conservative. Kotlin is a revolt against the established rules, simplicity, freedom and security.

Where Java is used
Since Java is a general-purpose language, it can be used everywhere from web sites to robotics medicine. Let’s look at the areas of its application in more detail.

  • Android development. Java has long been actively promoted by Google as the most convenient and efficient language for Android programming. Therefore, the majority of applications for this operating system are written in this language.
  • Cloud projects. The global IT market is experiencing a rapid migration to cloud storage. Everything – from company data to entire services – is being migrated. According to a poll of IT specialists by Cloud Foundry Foundation, 58% of specialists use Java to develop corporate cloud applications and services.
  • Virtual reality. Virtual and augmented reality are trends that have been rapidly gaining momentum in the last ten years. Java is one of the languages in which many VR/AR applications are written.
  • The Big Data field. Although Python and R are more popular when working with big data, but there is a use for Java. The language even has a number of libraries and frameworks specifically designed to work with Big Data. The main ones are: Java Machine Learning Library, Weka and JSAT.
  • Unmanned Cars. Unmanned cars are a modern trend. It’s beautiful, safe, and convenient. But to create a really safe car, you have to work on a lot of tiny details. It is important that the program detects the type of object, the distance to it and its condition. And the Java language is used as one of the main languages in development.
  • The space industry. NASA is one of the space companies which uses Java in its developments. It used World Wind, which allows you to zoom in on any part of the Earth and examine it in detail.

Where Kotlin is used
Kotlin is used to write multiplatform programs, in mobile, web and backend development.

  • Web development. The language provides compilation with JavaScript and tools for working with HTML and CSS. You can use not only the tools of the language itself, but also libraries for JavaScript in your work.
  • Backend development. For backend development, there is a compilation of Kotlin with Java, although the languages are compatible separately. But as surveys and studies show, few developers write backend applications in Kotlin – in this matter, most people are more accustomed to Java.
  • Cross-platform development. It turns out that Kotlin isn’t just about Android. Kotlin multiplatform is a toolkit that allows you to write generic code, and compile it with bytecode for android or iOS. You can also connect this code as a library to native apps.

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The Relevance of Java: Why You Should Start With It Sat, 03 Apr 2021 09:20:00 +0000 Java is a universal language and has found application in almost every field of economy and IT specialization. It is used to create desktop and mobile applications, software for smart devices, software and games.

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Java is a universal language and has found application in almost every field of economy and IT specialization. It is used to create desktop and mobile applications, software for smart devices, software and games. Java is used by banks, trade and construction firms, educational organizations, government agencies and IT-corporations. In this article we’ll find out if Java is worth learning for a newcomer, how long it takes to master this language and where you can work afterwards.

Features of Java
Java is an object-oriented language used to write server software, programs and mobile applications. It is one of the main languages for Android development.

Popularity. About 7 billion devices around the world use applications created in Java. Millions of programmers know the programming language java, and the demand for such specialists remains high.

Versatility and flexibility. Java is used in scientific development, mobile applications, game design, desktop software, websites, and embedded software. Java is used for programs of any complexity: banking applications, online-stores, software for smart appliances and smart homes.

Community. Because of the large number of programmers and implemented solutions, as well as libraries and add-ons, almost any problem can be solved by asking for help from colleagues on forums.

Cross-platform. There is a special virtual machine JVM that executes code for java. It has two functions – to run java applications on any OS and devices, and manage application memory. Once written, the code will work with any operating system and on any platform.

Reliability. Java is a strictly typed language. This means that every variable or expression has a certain type, and the compiler checks the code and prevents the developer from making mistakes.

Ease of learning. Understanding java requires basic knowledge. You need to understand the specifics of object-oriented programming, understand the computer “iron”, learn a fairly complex syntax and learn to work with additional software tools.

Where Java is used
Java is one of the most commonly used programming languages. It is used to create microcontrollers, websites and mobile applications, games for PCs, smartphones and consoles, software for manufacturing and services.

Google Docs, Minecraft, the server side of most Netflix applications, social networking and linkedin, Uber cab service, and Amazon web services are all written in java. And they also design virtual and augmented reality systems, software development tools, file systems and controllers for unmanned cars in java.

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